Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Good Customer Service, In Lieu of Today's Article

Sadly, there will be no BFC blog article today. I know, I know. I'm spending today working on my newsletter for February. (The signup link's to your right, all bright and blue.)

Normally I do this on Thursdays and Fridays, but I'll be traveling tomorrow for a court hearing on Friday. (Family member hit by SUV; I'm speaking at the sentencing. I didn't go commit assault and battery with a Webster's on bad spellers - yet.)

As such, I suspect the proceedings will take up most of the day. So I'm blitzing on current projects while I still have time.

In the meantime, I encourage everyone to read this: Seven Steps to Remarkable Customer Service - A link I found yesterday.

"Joel on Software" lays out the essentials of customer service. Clear, well-written; an all-around enjoyable read. If you ever feel like giving your customer service people a "gentle reminder," send them this link.



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